Do you feel filing income taxes is tough? Have you come up with various excuses to avoid file taxes online Canada ? One thing you need to agree is that if you want to be financially responsible, then you do need to understand the benefits of filing taxes in Canada even if you don’t any. Now the deadline to file your income tax online is April 30, however, for self-employed Canadians, there is a time period till June 15. So, you do need to login to the CRA login as soon as possible if you really own the CRA any money. In that case, you should make the payment not late than April 30 to avoid any kind of penalties. Excuses People Come Up With For Not Filing Taxes Certain people come up with good or you can say mind-blowing excuses just to avoid paying taxes in Canada. The major excuse that people come up with is that they feel that they won’t get a refund. Some even feel that or bring out the excuse that their finances and paperwork are not properly organized. Also, c...